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login.case.edu Thursday, 29 September 2022 14:38
Vladimir Putin's attempt to rewrite history today by blaming the West and Nato for
his attack on Ukraine echoes moves by history's worst dictators to
varnish the truth.
In a chilling speech that was released today, the Russian president
warned he was prepared to use nuclear weapons and said 'I'm not bluffing'.
The despot also ordered the mobilisation of 300,000 military reserves -
a first in Russia since the Second World War.
Putin wrongly claimed that peace negotiations with Ukraine were undermined by Western nations, who he said wanted to destroy Russia.
And despite a mass of evidence to the contrary, he claimed that attacks
on schools and hospitals in Ukraine were the work
of Ukrainian Nazis and nationalists.
The lies hark back to moved by tyrants including Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and China's Mao Zedong
to use lies to achieve their objectives.
Vladimir Putin's attempt to rewrite history today by blaming the West and Nato for his attack on Ukraine
echoes moves by history's worst dictators to varnish the truth
1939 attack on German radio station that led to the Second World War
In August 1939, Nazi SS men disguised as Polish saboteurs attacked a radio station in the German city of Gleiwitz.
Entering through the back door, they locked three technicians into the
basement before broadcasting a short message in Polish saying: 'Attention! This is Gliwice.
The broadcasting station is in Polish hands.'
To make the raid seem more convincing, German concentration camp prisoners dressed in Polish army uniforms were given lethal injections and then shot in the face to avoid identification.
Their corpses were later shown to journalists as 'proof' of Polish
In August 1939, Nazi SS men disguised as Polish saboteurs attacked a
radio station in the German city of Gleiwitz. To make the raid more
convincing, German concentration camp prisoners dressed in Polish army uniforms were given lethal injections and then shot in the face to avoid identification. Above:
The murdered victims being examined by journalists
Entering through the back door, they locked three technicians into the basement before broadcasting a short message in Polish saying: 'Attention! This is Gliwice.
The broadcasting station is in Polish hands'. Above: Gleiwitz
radio tower
Within hours, the incident was being reported across Germany, where it was picked up
by the BBC and the Reuters news agency.
The attack was one of a number of 'false flag' operations launched by Germany in what was codenamed Operation Himmler.
The plots were intended to give the impression of Polish
aggression towards Germany.
Other targets included strategic railway at Jablunka Pass, on the border between Poland and what was then Czechoslovakia; and the German customs station at Hochlinden, which is also now part of Poland.
The radio tower in eastern Germany, very near the border with Poland.
Gleiwitz is now a Polish city
Just a few hours after the attack in Gleiwitz, the German battleship SMS
Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on the Westerplatte peninsula, on what is now
Poland's Bay of Gdansk. At the same time, 29 German Stuka dive bombers hit the small Polish town of Wieluń.
Hitler had been set to invade Germany's neighbour in August but wavered when Britain signed the Common Defence Pact with Poland, which
committed it to guarantee its independence in the face of Nazi aggression.
When the attack took place anyway, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain -
who had seen his attempts to avoid war with Germany via the 1938
Munich Agreement end in failure - issued an ultimatum:
cease the operation or face war.
It was when Germany pressed ahead with the attack - during which Polish forces heroically held out for
seven days before finally surrendering - that Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3.
It led to a six-year conflict which tore Europe apart and left 70 million people dead.
Just a few hours after the attack in Gleiwitz, the German battleship SMS Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on the Westerplatte peninsula, on what is now Poland's Bay of Gdansk.
At the same time, 29 German Stuka dive bombers hit the small Polish town of Wieluń
1933 Reichstag Fire - used to justify Hitler's seizure of power
On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag - the German parliament building in Berlin - burnt down due to arson.
The man blamed for starting the blaze was Dutch communist Marinus van der Lubbe, although historians have raised questions over his involvement.
Hitler used the fire as a pretext to claim
that Communists were plotting against the government.
He persuaded German president Paul von Hindenburg to issue the Reichstag Fire Decree, which suspended civil liberties in Germany.
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On February 27, 1933, the Reichstag - the German parliament
building in Berlin - burnt down due to arson. Adolf Hitler used the blaze as an excuse to suspend civil liberties
It led to the mass arrests of communists, including all
communist delegates in the Reichstag.
This crippled communist participation in the elections in March that year and helped the
Nazi Party to totally seize power on Germany.
Some experts believe that the Nazis themselves may have
been involved in the fire.
Historian Peter Black told The Smithsonian Magazine that the suggestion that van der Lubbe was solely responsible
was false.
'I would say that van der Lubbe could not have started that fire alone, based on the evidence that is now available,' he said.
'It seems likely that the Nazis were involved.
But you don't have anyone who can say, yes, I saw the Nazis.'
Joseph Stalin's erasure of political enemies
After he consolidated his power as Soviet dictator in 1929,
Stalin declared war on those he deemed to be his political enemies.
In what was known as the Great Purge, an estimated
750,000 people were murdered between 1936 and 1939 as Stalin looked to remove any remaining influence of his former comrade Leon Trotsky and any other political rivals.
More than a million other victims were sent to remote areas of Russia to do hard labour in gulags.
Some of Stalin's enemies vanished from their homes, whilst others were executed in public after show trials.
Stalin also used a large team of photo retouchers to cut his enemies out of
One famous erasure was that of Nikolai Yezhov, a secret police official who oversaw Stalin's purges.
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Stalin famously edited his political enemies out of photographs.
One such enemy was Nikolai Yezhov, a secret
police official who oversaw Stalin's purges.
When he fell out of favour in 1938, Yezhov was removed from an image in which he was seen standing next to his boss on the Moscow Canal -
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